Janes-Wallace Memorial Park & Power Dam - Santa Rosa NM

The Janes-Wallace Memorial Dam is located on El Rito Creek near the city of Santa Rosa, in east central New Mexico

Janes-Wallace Memorial Park and Power Dam
Off Route 91, south of the city
Santa Rosa, NM 88435

At the end of a twisting waterway dubbed El Rito, “the Creek,” is Janes-Wallace Memorial Park and a place called Power Dam that has become popular for fly-fishing. The dam was damaged by a flood in May 1999, and, as a result, the state of New Mexico breached the dam. Power Dam Falls is now the outlet of Power Dam Lake. The outlet does not pour over the dam spillway. Instead, it was diverted around the dam and allowed to gracefully fall over a 20′ natural sandstone out-cropping south of town. Fishing in El Rito and Power Dam Lake remains rewarding.